Friday, April 20, 2018

Ow, my eye!

This is a doll from the 1950's.
She has a vinyl head and a magic skin body.
She got played with a bit roughly and now her right eye is wonky.

The wonky eye has been pushed into the socket and is wedged at a creepy angle.
Her left eye does not work either. it is stuck closed.

The usual start to doll with the head.

It helps to heat the neck area with a hairdryer to soften the vinyl a bit before you attempt to remove the head.

Here you can see that the eyes sit inside pockets that are molded into the vinyl head.

To get the eyes out, you can heat the eyeball area with the hairdryer and then push the eye out of the socket with pressure on those eye sockets inside the head.

Here is what the eyeball looks like once it is extracted from the pocket.
You can buy replacement eyes but fortunately this doll's original eyes were repairable.

This is the inside of one eye.

Both eyes needed a deep cleaning and repair/adjustments of the pivots.

Back go the eyes (the vinyl got warmed up again for that), a freshening up of her face and lipstick, and she is ready to go home.

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