Thursday, September 26, 2019

1950's walking doll

This is 'Sweet Sue'. She is a walking doll from the 1950's.
She has some issues.

She has lost her walking action and part of the problem is a split in her plastic body.

She has other splits in her plastic too. All the splits are along seam lines.

Her wig is a mess and is falling off her head. Her head is coated with old dark glue.

Wig off.....lots of icky glue left behind.

Admittedly an undignified pose but the splits in her torso are now fixed with epoxy and are starting to get painted.

Now she is multi-tasking by trying on a potential outfit while having her hair done.

And then she is done.
Splits fixed. Walking mechanism works.
And, she is suitably coiffed and garbed.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Little Miss No-Name

Here is a doll from the 1960's made by Hasboro.
She was called Little Miss No-name and was not a great seller at the time.

She has arrived to be spruced up.

Someone, at some point, had decided she needed more eyeliner and applied DIY makeup.
She originally had a removable acrylic teardrop under her left, eye. You can see the hole that it was inserted into.

Her dress is not original but does suit her.

A good scrubbing and a new teardrop leaves her looking like this.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Schoenhut doll's chipped paint

This doll has been well played with. She is missing her wig and has many dents and dings.

How much to fix her dents is always a debatable  question.
I like an old toy to show it's age and history.

But, in my opinion, this doll's face can benefit from some plastic surgery.
I am not going to touch the dents on her body.

Plastic surgery is complete.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Vintage vinyl problems again

This doll has arrived for a clean up and a hairdo.

She has a vinyl head and vinyl arms attached to a magic skin body.
Her vinyl is showing some signs of aging in that it is sticky with leaching plasticizer.

Here she is with one side of her face cleaned of the plasticizer and dirt.

One foot cleaned.

After a bath and a comb out.

Into the curlers now......

While she is waiting for her 'do to set, I can repair a rip in her magic skin.

Ready to go home.