Saturday, February 18, 2017

Wagner & Zetzsche Haralit doll

This doll was made in Germany about 1916 by Wagner & Zetzsche. He is named "Harald" and was part of their Haralit Art Doll line. These dolls had a new type of composition head and a variety of bodies.

This particular example is in rough least his head is....the rest of him is in decent shape and he even retains most of his original clothes.

Harald's head crack is impressive and it has distorted the actual composition. His painted features are almost gone.

Here you can see his body.
He has composition jointed arms on an oilskin body. Other than the arms needing restringing, the body does not need any work. The oilcloth has discoloured a bit and the arms have crazed....but this is OK for a doll of this age.
The head however does need a makeover.

Makeover done.
Oh, and the arms got restrung too.

His lederhosen are being spruced up. A dressed picture will be coming soon.

As promised.....lederhosen :-)
He wears his original leather lederhosen, cotton shirt, oilcloth shoes and  cotton 'Loferl' (Bavarian calf-warmers).
His original felt suspenders were shredding so he now has suspenders made from vintage felt.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Bosson head

This is a Bosson head.
It is a type of chalkware material. If you own it to your wall securely as they do not do well when they fall down!
This guy has fallen and sustained several chips to his facial features.

 Here he is, with his injuries repaired......

More fingers

This is a small hand from a composition ball-jointed body. It is missing 2 fingers plus has old repair material and paint still attached.

This is the hand with the aging repair compound and paint removed.

 This is the hand with the missing fingers rebuilt and the paint blended into the old finish.