The request was for new hair and some clothes.
This doll has it's original slip, shoes and Eaton's banner. Her hair is original but very little remains.
Her head has been solidly glued into it's socket...why?
Her eyelashes are mostly gone.
After determining the head was undamaged, I figured it had been glued in because someone could not figure out how to restring the doll?
The glue put up a fight but I was able to remove the head. Unfortunately the socket came off the body in the process. But it is all reparable....
Here is the doll with the socket repaired, paint finishes matched and restrung properly. Her head now swivels again.
Oh, and she has new eyelashes.
She is now decked out in a new synthetic wig. Mohair would have been preferable but the added expense was not in the budget.
This is how she was presented back to her owner. Her original chemise is under the dress and her original shoes and socks were repaired and she wears them with pride :-)