Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Glass eye repair

 This is a German bisque-headed doll whose eyes have become detached and are loose inside her head.
The wig has been secured with massive amounts of glue so the eyes did not get lost but  they are not easily accessible either.
If you have a doll with glass eyes rattling around inside the head like this, gently stuff Kleenex into the head through the eyeballs until the head is full enough that the eyes cannot move.
This will help prevent them them from breaking until they are safely extracted and remounted.
Antique glass eyes are very thin and break easily.

The wig had to come off to fix the eyes and fortunately the old glue softened with water. It still took a while to get the wig off safely though!
Unfortunately these eyes had spent too long rattling around and were broken.
Glass eyes can often be repaired however.
This broken eyeball was only in 2 pieces so it was easy to glue it back together.

Her eyes have been repaired and reset back in the head so they sleep again.
Her wig will not get reglued. It stays easily on her head without it .

Friday, March 10, 2017

Ukrainian Doll Fix

 Woohoo! A small job here :-)
This little doll needs restringing and some missing paint on her face fixed.

She is made of a later type of composition.

She is now restrung.

And her face has been touched up.