Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A return to Effanbee Lovums

This is the 'before' picture of an Effanbee Lovums doll who I started renovating in Florida. She got put on pause a few times and now is finally nearing completion.

These were her eyes  before.

And these are her eyes now......
Unfortunately Lovums' lambskin wig was in poor shape and missing some chunks. Under the wig is molded/painted hair. Many Lovums were sold wig-less. It was easiest for the factory to churn out a line of molded/painted hair heads and then just plunk some wigs on a few of them.

Here is Lovums now.

Her body has been washed, patched at one shoulder and her voice-box squawks again.

A nice vintage baby dress.

And then a vintage baby sweater set completes her.