This is a very large celluloid doll who has arrived to get it's arm fixed.
The inside of the arm that holds the elastic has broken out.

This is the other arm showing how the broken area used to look.
Recreating this in the broken arm will take some inventiveness!
After plan #1 with a metal washer was not working out, I have arrived at plan #2.
This involves using the bottom cut out of a plastic bottle with a hole drilled into it, a plastic washer from the hardware store and the toggle that the previous handy-person had used on the doll.
The altered bottle bottom gets epoxied into the arm.
Once the epoxy adhesive is cured, epoxy sculpting clay can reshape the socket.
The toggle and washer get put back on to the end of the elastic and then, with breath held, The elastic knot and toggle get stuffed into the new socket.
It worked!