Saturday, May 30, 2020

A painted bisque doll gets repairs

This doll has arrived to be restrung and to get some repairs.
Her first obvious issue is that she is missing her stringing hook from her right leg. Someone has drilled holes in the leg to tie it back on her body.

Her head is 'painted bisque'. This differs from traditional bisque in that the colour was not fired on.

You can see where the paint has been pulled off the bisque by the wig glue.

Her wig didn't look too bad from the front but the back looks a little deranged.

A jumble of old elastic and stuff was rattling around in her body. That is the missing hook from the right hip in there!

Her body is cardboard covered with a gesso and then painted. Here one foot is crumbling and there are weird stains running up the leg.

Her posterior is missing quite a bit of the gesso. This doll might have encountered some liquid at some point in her life? Traditional gesso does not tolerate getting moist.

To start, the bit with the hook that had fallen out is epoxied back into the leg and the crumbling foot bits get glued back together.
Once that all dries, the exposed bits of carboard and the deteriorated areas of gesso get painted with a sealer. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

An Ashton Drake doll with a wobbly head

This is a small doll named 'Josie' from the Ashton Drake Galleries.
She has come to get her wobbly head fixed.

Her head wobbles because the elastic holding her head to her body has disintegrated.
Elastic is often the first thing that fails in a doll.

Josie's head is attached via the elastic to a shoulderplate which is sewn on to her cloth body.
For the best results, her shoulderplate needs to be removed and her wig too.

Here we have all her bits dismantled. The elastic has been removed.

To restring her head some new elastic gets threaded through the loop that was inside her head.

Then the loop goes back into her head with the ends of elastic coming out of her neck.

The elastic goes through her shoulderplate and is tied off around the wire gizmo.

And then her head gets resewn to her body.

She is ready to get dressed and go home.