This is 'Monkey Reberdeen'.
He dates from the late 1960's.
He has arrived to get a new furcoat.
His current coat shows many signs of wear and has been mended many times.
He has lots of holes that reveal some interesting stuffing.
One shoe has a hole.
And even his mouth has a hole.
Monkey Reberdeen has been very well loved!
Monkey gets unstuffed....that is most of his stuffing in the box.
Then his coat gets taken apart so it can be a pattern for his new coat.
His broken shoe starts getting repaired with tinted epoxy.
While his shoe gets mended, Monkey goes shopping for fur to make his new coat.
How about this fur?
Or this one?
While Monkey mulls over his fur coat choices, his shoe repair gets done.
His mouth tears have been fixed with that same epoxy that his shoe got. With a different tint of course.
Making a pattern for monkey's new coat takes a bit of inventiveness and knowledge of typical pattern shapes as there are large pieces of his original coat that are missing.
This is what is left of his chest piece.

And this is the original shape of that piece.
Monkey Reberdeen's new fur coat is done......he seems to be showing it off to a new friend?