This is 'Jessica' who has come in to fix her body.
Her body was originally stiched together with invisible thread which had disintegrated over the years. She had had a lot of hand sewn repairs to keep her stuffing in and her limbs on.
Someone did a lot of work keeping her together!
Some tape got used to keep one leg on. It didn't work too well as that leg is almost off. That sticky residue will be fun to get out!
Jessica needs some new eyelashes too.
After a few long soaks, her body get totally taken apart.
Because this doll has a family member's name written on her bottom and the fabric is in decent shape, I am going to line the body instead of making a new one.
This involves stitching each piece to new cotton and then reassembling everything with the original fabric.
Here the top piece is lined and ready to go. The bottom piece has just been stitched to some cotton.
All done.
Lining the body kept the label and the handwritten family names intact. I just marked over the names on the photo for privacy.