Friday, August 21, 2020

'Doggy' gets a bath and some new fur.


This is 'Doggy' who has arrived to get cleaned, get a new tongue and have his bald patches dealt with.

He has a few bald spots....

...which are more visible on this side.

There are different ways to address bald spots.
You can place a piece of felt under the spot and colour the overlying honeycomb mesh to make the bald area stronger and less visible.
Or, you could do fur transplants by finding a similar fur and sewing it over the bald areas.
I wanted to try something new. I put felt under the bald patches and then needle felted felt fibres up through the honeycomb mesh.

It worked!
Here is the result on one side.

And here is his other side.

He has a new felt tongue too.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Dr. Darci! Doggy is looking much better. Sometimes the best ideas are the “out of the box” kind we invent with our own imagination. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
