Friday, September 25, 2020

"Baby", the Puffalump, gets a new body


"Baby' is on the left.
She is a well loved Puffalump doll.
She has arrived to get a new body. Her owner has already found a body donor....that would be the doll on the right.

Puffalumps were very soft, light toys made from a type of parachute material.
This light fabric did not hold up well when Puffalumps were well loved.

There is almost no fabric left on the back of Baby's head.

Baby's face gets separated from her body and her body gets unstuffed.

This is a view into Baby's new body.
Her access point is in her derrier. This is looking up into her head. Her head has to be unstuffed and turned inside out in order to do the face transfer.

The face switch has been done.
Baby's old body has had a bath and is going to be placed into her new body along with the stuffing.

Re-stuffed with the old body nestled inside.
Now to stitch up the access spot....



  1. This is my doll! I've had Baby since I was 3 years old and despaired of ever getting her repaired. I'm so so happy to have her back, and Dr. Darci did a fantastic job on the repair. I can't thank you enough for this.

  2. How did you clean up the face

    1. I use a commercial cleaner/degreaser spray cleanser on vinyl.
