Monday, February 15, 2021

Yet another Schoenhut doll


Here is a 14" carved hair girl.

She has been thickly repainted in the past. Her current owner has already removed one layer of overpaint from her head.

This was her face when her owner received her.

You can see how thick the overpaint once was. And, it was painted right over a taped up leg fracture.

Her face upon arrival here.....hmmm, I think there is another layer of overpaint that can come off.

Here most of her overpaint has been removed. The red on her mouth is still to come off. It is covering the original colour which is pinker.

Off comes the thick overpaint on her body.
That shows more details of her broken leg and it's previous repair.

Under the tape I find string has been wound around the leg.

It is not a pretty sight!

The old fracture lines have to be cleaned off before I try to reassemble the bits.
This repair is going to need a wood epoxy. There is a lot of tension on the wood from all the springs making up the joints and these bits will not fit together tightly enough to use a PVA carpenter's glue.

After cleaning off more overpaint and old glue, the leg can be put back together.

A bit of sanding and paint, then the leg can be reattached.

This is mostly her original paint.
She has had a few touchups on the left side where the paint was missing and she also had some refreshing of her eye and mouth paint.

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