Friday, May 28, 2021

Tito....the well loved vinyl doll


This is Tito.

He is a well loved vinyl doll who has arrived to get a new body and to get some vinyl repairs done.

He has had many repairs done on his body which has included a couple recoverings.

The white stuff is acne cream.
Tito was being treated with that to get rid of stains on his vinyl and indeed, many of them have gone.

He has a wee tear under his right eye.

He has a large crack across his head that has had a previous glue job. But that glue did not hold and the crack is open again.

3 missing fingers on this hand.

A missing index finger.

And a previously glued crack on one foot. The glue is failing here too as part of the crack has opened again.

This is Tito after one layer of cloth body is removed. 

And this is Tito's original body.
There have been some impressive mending jobs done to this body!

This is his original body dismantled.

One way to duplicate a cloth body is to pattern the new body from the original pieces.

From the raggedy pieces comes patterns.

Tito's new body.

Tito's head split is fused and he has ten fingers again.

Tito gets dressed and gets to have a little fun before he heads home......

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I'm really interested in your work & definitely enjoy reading your blog. When you finish Tito, please post more pics of your work & the finished doll. Thanks, Sue
