Sunday, May 8, 2022

Another Barbara Ann Scott doll

 Another Barbara Ann Scott doll arrives to be restored.

At first glance she doesn't look too bad?

But her paint has aged with a lot of crazing.

There are several deep cracks.

The original dress is tattered.
Her skates are gone.

She has lost eyelashes, has a split around her eye and has bubbled and lifting paint.

One could still argue that, overall she is in half decent shape and should be left alone. But, I have agreed to renew her.

This is what she looks like once all of her lifting paint has been removed.
Old paint contains lead so her paint removal gets done outside with a mask.

These are her eyes.
They need a cleaning, some touch up paint and new eyelashes.

While I wait for decent weather to do the doll's paint work, I am playing around with how to replicate the dress.
The original dress has a sheer blue fabric printed with dots and bows over a white lining. The original sheer fabric is shredding, stained and discoloured.
So, here is option one with a sheer blue fabric that I have painted a similar pattern on. Looks hopeful?

All her bits have been refreshed and she is ready to get put back together.

Her original wig is rather messy.

So it gets a combing out.

And then it gets set in curlers.

Her final look.

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