Saturday, August 20, 2022

An unusual 1950's walking doll


This hard plastic walking doll was made in the 1950's. She suffers from degeneration of her plastic and the most noticable symptom is that her right hand has crumbled and fallen off.

What is unusual about her is that she was constructed to walk beside a carriage. The plastic around the bits that connect her to the carriage has warped and split.

The metal bar comes from the carriage.
The doll's plastic body has warped enough that the connecting rods no longer align.

This is an ad from 1956 showing an identical doll.

After realigning the connection points, the crack is filled and everything is recontoured with epoxy putty. Then the repair is diguised with a bit of paint.

Everything fits!

Which means she can get hooked up to her carriage again. The clothes are her original ones.

1 comment:

  1. This is such an unusual doll. I'm sure the little girl that received her for Christmas or a birthday must've been thrilled. Absolutely wonderful work on her.
