Saturday, April 29, 2023

Another new cloth body


This is 'Vanessa'. She is a Madame Alexander doll from the 1960's.

She arrives like this.

There is an obvious leg problem.

Her body is rather stained and has a variety of tears and mends.

After dismanling, she gets a good bath. Even her stuffing needed a wash!

A silent crier was inside her body.

Opening up the crier I find the only issue is that the seam on the bellows fabric had come apart. A bit of glue will fix that.

Then it is the usual....take apart the body to make a pattern.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Violet, the compostion doll, needs some work!


This is 'Violet'. She has arrived to restore her composition surfaces.

Poor Violet has obvious issues!

A big split in her head.

When her wig gets removed her head falls into 2 pieces.

All that flaking paint needs to get removed and, as old paint contains lead, this is an outdoor and weather dependent job.

And even more progress!
Violet's head has been put back together and several defects in her composition have been filled so she is finally in the paint booth.
This is after 4 coats of filler/primer with lots of sanding in between and 3 coats of paint. One coat of paint to go!

While Violet's paint dries, I contemplate her wig.
It is made of mohair which is very matted and is missing some sections.

After combing out the mats it still doesn't look much better.
It could get a few added wefts of mohair if some similar colour mohair was found or.....

....she could get a brand new wig.

Violet's owner liked this option best.

Which means Violet can get put back together.

Time to head home!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

A new cloth body


This is 'Carol Smith'. She has arrived to get a new cloth body. At first glance her body doesn't look too bad?

But, her arm is being held on by an elastic and it doesn't take much to fall off again. The cloth is stained, weakened and has several mends.

Dismantled and unstuffed.

Old body taken apart to make a pattern for a new body.

A new cloth body made from unbleached cotton muslin.

Back together.