Friday, October 13, 2023

China heads on dissolving bodies

 In come two china dolls and what is left of their bodies.

Doll #1's head is off already.

She has a cloth body stuffed with sawdust and china lower limbs.

The cloth suffers from dry rot and is very weak with multiple tears and sawdust leaking everywhere.

The best approach is to remove all the stiches from the old cloth body and use the remnants to make a pattern for a new cloth body.

Here is the pattern.

One has to extrapolate the pattern lines around the torn/missing areas.

Here is a new body part way through getting stuffed with sawdust.

Doll #'s new body is done.

Doll #2's body is in equally bad shape although someone has tried to recover her legs at some point.
She gets the same type of new body as her twin.

Both are done.

And dressed in the clothes they arrived in.

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