Thursday, January 4, 2024

A Schoenhut boy's repaint


This is model #201.

He has had an interesting life.

He has very dark hair that is not original.

There is evidence all over his face and body that indicates he was once painted in a dark brown skin tone. That skin colour had long been removed (mostly).

The plan is to improve his appearance somehow.

Seeing as the dark hair is not original, it gets removed.

Pretty well zero original hair paint underneath! And an interesting crack.

He will need more than a few touchups. Repaint looks best when it is done after any unoriginal layers are removed. The vestiges of previous fillers and repaint obscure carved details and also make it harder for the new paint to adhere.

So, I start gently scraping off and digging out all that old dark brown paint and any other paint that had been added over the years.

He actually has a few scraps of original facial paint left. And, he has his original blue eyes under the brown.

After he is down to original paint and/or bare wood he gets sealed. Then starts the repainting process. He will need multiple thin layers of flesh paint.

A few layers later he looks like this. A couple friends are also getting some new paint.

Some time later he starts getting some hair and eye colour. I am also trying out some antiquing methods for his face.

This is his final look.

He looks paler in the picture due to AI working automatically on my cell phone pictures. I need to find a more accurately coloured picture of him!


  1. for being made out of wood they made them with such great details

  2. He has a great expression on his face.

  3. He is really wonderful!
