Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A Cissy doll gets a maintenance visit


This is a Madame Alexander Cissy doll.

She has arrived to address some typical vintage plastic doll problems.

Her facial paint is in very nice condition.

She even still has all her eyelashes.

Cissy dolls are quite prone to having missing eyelashes.

Many Cissys had earrings that were glued in. The glue yellows with age and looks unsightly if the earrings goes missing.

Cissy dolls and similar vintage plastic dolls are prone to splits along their seam lines And cracking of the plastic at pressure points.

Plastic is not an inert substance that lasts forever. It deteriorates with time. These splits and cracks are all symptoms of plastic degeneration. 

This Cissy has several splits here and there but they are fairly minor.

This is a crotch split.

And a leg split.

A foot split.

Splits at the tops of each hip.

And a wee little crack under her chin.

The chin crack gets epoxied and then diguised with a wee bit of paint.

The same for that crotch split.
It is epoxied (glued) and painted. Being a seam line, it is more visible.

Ditto for the leg split.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled across your blog... one that I haven't seen before. I was searching for a way to replicate a broken off and missing plastic doll leg, which seems to be a task I will have to imagine on my own, when I found your blog. I have been going through each post. Very nice and I always enjoy watching talented people salvage dolls that seem to be lost or destined for the dump. Curious, what is your glue of choice for this Cissy doll? I'm always interested in what glues doll restorationists use. Plastics in particular can be tricky. You want a good glue, yet you worry about long term exposure to that glue. Thank you for your time and for posting your work. Did you go to school or just learn on your own?
