Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dog vs. doll


This is a nice antique baby doll who likely dates from the 1920's.

She has been chomped on by a dog.

Her hands and the ends of her arms are missing. Hopefully they did not cause too much indigestion to the dog?

Her feet have been munched too.
The sole of one foot is missing along with it's cardboard insert.

Some suspicious tooth marks?

Bad dog!

Fortunately her porcelain head and glass eyes are unbroken although she is missing a tooth.

From my parts stash come a pair of antique composition hands that need some repairs and alterations to fit this type of body. They once had a hook but now are on their way to getting flanges made so that they can be wired into the cloth arms.

Inside the torso is a silent voicebox.

The voicebox.

The inside of the voicebox.
The bellows is supposed to push air through a squeaker. The bellows cloth has no rips or holes but the glue along the seam has dried out. Now air goes through the seam instead of the squeaker.
Hopefully regluing the seam will be all it needs?

While the voicebox glue dries, I start on the body.
Here I have taken apart one leg to make a pattern for a new leg.

Similar patterns are made for the other body bits.

Here is one leg done and the other leg waiting to get stuffed.

The voice box works again too.

She is done.

Her joints are simple wire and washer types.
This was a common joint style and was simpler to do for the factory than an inside-the-joint cotterpin and disc style.

The string in her mouth is there only to hold her eyes stationary while she returns through the mail.
It will be snipped and removed once she gets back home.

Glass sleep eyes should always be immobilized for shipping. If they flap around while the box gets tossed around, there is a big chance they will arrive broken.

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